Saturday, December 19, 2009

Indoor Physical Excellence Fun

Brandon made up this game for Hunter a couple days ago. Even though it's still usually really nice out and all you need is a moderately warm jacket, we don't go outside quite as much as we do during the summer months. Plus, it's nice to just be able to stay inside sometimes.

The game? Stair running. With a little four-year-old favorable twist, that is.

The goal is to get his little army guys (actually, they're police) to the top of the two-flight stairs, one at a time, as fast as possible. Apparently, they're responding to an emergency, and you have to help.

He liked it a lot, and it's great for exercise and brain development. And loads of fun, especially when mom joins in.

"...But king Rehoboam made speed to get him up to his chariot, to flee to Jerusalem." 
2 Chronicles 10:18
Hunter is 4 years, 9 months old

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