Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Fetal Interaction

Baby brother's movements have been getting stronger and more powerful by the week.

Here is a little game we play - kick, poke back, kick, poke back.

Learning cause and effect? Maybe... It does seem like a lot of the time, he enjoys these games and tends to kick longer when I play.

But mostly I am just enjoying the bonding with my teeny tiny little guy.

"For thou hast possessed my reins: thou hast covered me in my mother's womb. I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made..." 
Psalm 139:13-14

Baby boy #2, in video, is 24 weeks, 1 day gestation


  1. What a lovely video. I did the same game when I was pregnant with both of my boys. The more we played the more they liked it. We even started to differentiate some patterns like ABAB or AABB (I know some people may think it rediculous but hey it's all about bonding right?) Have a wonderful week. Hugs Ewa

  2. I just started watching these type of videos and I have to say they are extremely interesting and frightening.

    It was always so frustrating to me because I have 7 younger siblings and could never see or feel them moving. I didn't realize that the movements COULD be seen or felt by anyone on but the mom...

    I look forward (not really) to experiencing this myself, hopefully then I'll finally be able to feel the darned baby kicking!


Thank you for your comments!