Saturday, September 6, 2008

Popcorn Festival

Today was the big day we've been looking forward to: the Popcorn Festival! (yes, I know: only in Indiana...)

Hunter participated in the lil Kernel Puff race this morning, which he had been looking forward to for weeks. I was wondering if he would be brave enough this year to do it by himself (last year, at age two, he was really excited, ran half way down the track and then got embarrassed and ran back towards the starting line). He was all excited about it, but got somewhat shy once he took off and was helped along by one of the workers. But he was very proud of himself once he got to the end, and admired his ribbon a lot.

But Hunter did good, and was proud of himself. And he loved watching the parade - they actually gave out a bunch of candy this year! (which, of course, was probably his favorite part)

Hunter had a good day, and was very tired at the end. Less than a minute (literally) after he sat down in Anthony's stroller he had fallen sound asleep. Fun memories, and a great day to always remember.

"I will run the way of thy commandments, when thou shalt enlarge my heart. Teach me, O LORD, the way of thy statutes; and I shall keep it unto the end."
Psalm 119:32-33

Hunter is 3 years, 5 months old

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