Monday, January 26, 2009

Coping Mechanism for Cold Winter Days

What do you do with three rambunctious boys, ages three and under, on a very cold winter night that have a LOT of energy to burn off? Take them to the indoor play land, of course!

It was another one of those very cold and very long days were the boys were jumping off the walls. I had been corralling them all day and ended up loading them up into the car and driving to the Burger King play land, ordering a pack of apples and letting them run off some energy for an hour or so. I really needed the break, and they really needed it too.

In the winter it's somewhat more of an effort to find opportunities for physical exercise but it's worth the effort. All the running, crawling, sliding, twisting, turning, and jumping is not only good for their hearts and lungs (and sanity!) but necessary for the organizing of their brains. We'll be visiting the play land quite frequently between now and April, much to everyone's enjoyment!

"I will run the way of thy commandments, when thou shalt enlarge my heart."
Psalm 119:32

Hunter is 3 years, 10 months old

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