Sunday, March 30, 2008

Laundry Time!

What could be more fun than helping Mommy (or to Anthony, Aunt Liz) sort laundry?

You get to do something useful, be part of what the adults are doing, and have fun throwing clothes in a bunch of different baskets! And then of course there's the cool big washers and dryers and getting to measure the detergent and help fold socks and shirts. And then of course there's learning about why we have to put different color clothes in separate loads and why some shirts don't go in the dryer and why some clothes need to be ironed and some need to be folded and all other interesting things that little kids are just dying to learn.

Sharing chores sure makes life a lot more fun and interesting.

"It is good for a man that he bear the yoke in his youth."
Lamentations 3:27

Hunter is 3 years, 0 months old

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