Yes, Hunter plays chess, knows more about Presidents than he does about Nick Jr., does instant arithmetic, points out constellations, reads many words, talks about "stamen" and "calyx" when observing flowers, runs a mile a day, is learning swimming, gymnastics, and karate, and a host of other interesting things, but all in all, he's still just like any other three-year-old boy.
Right now Hunter loves to finger paint, play with swords, and wrestle with his uncle and cousin. He likes Duplos, basketball, and his toy animal figures. Playdough is a favorite pastime, as is Barney the dinosaur. He asks me to read or tell him a Bible story MANY times a day. He is obsessed with writing "H's" on anything and everything. His favorite place besides school (our basement) is our backyard and, specifically, the swing set. He loves music and his favorite songs are "Jesus loves the little children", "Battle Hymn of the Republic", and Beethoven's 9th Symphony ("D minor!" he always requests).
He's a goofball. He loves to be tickled, play hide-and-seek, and say random and absurd things that he knows will get a laugh.
He's suddenly turned into a full-scale social bug. He says hi to everyone he sees and is extremely kind to other kids. He runs ahead so he can hold the door for people and "thank you" is his favorite word. Then again, he still pouts sometimes and can occasionally found picking his nose in the middle of a conversation. Or running around in his underwear, or whacking his cousin in the head.
Learning about Mozart and Michaelangelo has definitely enriched our lives, but not hindered it. He's still a busy, curious, silly preschooler. And all in all, it has made me a better parent, Hunter a better kid, and the world a better place.
"When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things."
1 Corinthians 13:11
Hunter is 3 years, 2 months old
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